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Employee Screening Services

Employees are the most valuable asset for any organization and they can be the biggest liability too! The employees form the core of any organization and create value for the organization. However; there is always a potentially high risk of receiving applicants with false information and /or having a history of criminal records. Thorough Background verification is the best tool to avoid any liabilities due to negligence in the hiring process.
Education Verification
Educational qualifications are a valuable tool for assessing competencies of the candidate. This is because students from more prestigious universities/ Institutes tend to have better skills. For many positions, education qualifications form a pre-requisite to apply for the position. However, research suggests that a candidate’s education history is one of the most commonly falsified information on a job application. There is a possibility that a candidate has inflated their academic credentials. Alter the dates and courses to suit the job positions they have applied for. Furthermore, there is always the chance that the University from which the candidate graduated is not an accredited institution. Hence, Academic records from educational institutions are verified to substantiate the claim of the candidate and have become an important part of hiring decisions.
Employment Verification
Discrepancies in employment records are common occurrence and can be avoided through comprehensive background check. Employment verification process involves validation of the candidate's claim about his/her previous employment records with the HR and/or reporting manager. The information we compare and verify with the employer (HR) can include tenure, designation, reason for leaving, salary, eligibility for rehire and many more.
The Reporting manager checks are usually conducted to know candidate’s performance, ability, integrity, behaviour with co-workers etc.
As a preliminary step – company checks are also done to ascertain the genuineness of company
Reference Verification
Reference verification is done to check the candidate’s association with the person in the company. The reference check includes factual as well as qualitative feedback and is supported by approved written feedback. Top executives are the face of the company and their decisions and actions have a direct impact on a company’s performance and brand reputation, therefore, a more detailed and unconventional verification is conducted for them. Sarwagya suggests a 360-degree Reference Check for the candidate, especially when hiring for a management position. 360-degree feedback will include direct feedback from an employee's subordinates, peers (colleagues), and supervisor(s), who have worked with the candidate in the past and hence it can be used to build a well-rounded personality profile of the candidate.
Address Verification
Physical visits are made to confirm current, permanent and previous residential addresses of the candidate/subject. Details included in the address verification are: Name of met person, relationship with subject, duration of stay, residence status, house colour, gate colour, date of visit, time of visit etc. Verification of address is also carried out with the neighbours in order to confirm the correct details of the subject.
Criminal Verification
Verification is carried by a law firm to find out if there is any court case against the candidate in the local court of the given jurisdiction, High Court & the Supreme Court. Court Record checks exposes records of illegal activities that prospective employees might have indulged in, as well as of criminal or civil offenses which have led to litigation. With the number of defaulters and the rate of frauds on the rise, foolproof employee verification is not complete without a court records check. A detailed search is also conducted through police records.
Global Database Check

It is an online check conducted to verify an individual’s criminal antecedents across the globe. Database checks are conducted to check if the candidate isconnected to organized crime or presents any legal, reputational andcompliance risk. These checks help us to identify any political affiliations and links with banned/ terrorist outfits. Database covers both government list of debarred parties as well as companies and individual censured by their financial regulatory authorities. It also checks if the candidate has been reported on global regulatory, compliance and sanctions list of The Office of Foreign Assets Control.

Neighbour Check

Neighborhood check is one of the components where we verify whether the candidate has stayed in the given address, incidents of unruly conduct or behavior, etc. Usually 1 to 3 neighbours are randomly chosen to conduct this activity

Identity Check/KYC

Identity Check involves confirming an applicant’s true identity using commonly-used Identity documents like pan cards, driver’s license, passport or any identity documents issued by the Government. It helps to authenticate the identity of applicants, employees, and clients, ensuring safety and reliability of business.

According to Know Your Customer (KYC) norm, it is mandatory for all the financial institutions, and Telecom companies to know their customers before opening an account or doing any kind of dealing with them. This is to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, theft and so on. We enable you to know your customers better with a thorough Know Your Customer (KYC) process and manage your risks prudently.

Credit Check

A detailed report of an individual's credit history prepared by the credit bureau or its authorized channel partners providing insights on the creditworthiness of the candidate or whether he has defaulted on any of his banking transactions. This provides insight into an applicant’s sense of responsibility and financial track records.

Drug Test

Companies have a moral and legal obligation to provide a safe working environment. It is very important for employers to conduct drug test for their employees as Alcohol and drug abuse creates significant safety and health hazards. Workplace drug use and abuse can come with serious consequences for company and its brand. Drug test also reduces on-the-job accidents and workplace crime, including theft and violence. This is also a mandatory check if someone is going overseas on assignments. We undertake drug tests covering 5 to 12 panels

Amphetamine (AMP)
Barbiturate (BAR)
Benzodiazepine (BZD)
Cocaine (COC)
Marijuana Metabolites
Morphine/opiate (MOI)
Phencyclidine (PCP)

Infinite Screening

A background check done once, does not give a clean chit to an employee forever. Infinite screening involve checking of employees, who have been working with an organisation for several years, by cross verifying and double checking their background from time to time in order to avoid any risk to the company.
Dynamic checks are screened again to reduce the probability of such risk and act as deterrence to fraud.

Vendor and Business Associate Due Diligence

Vendor/supplier verification is a process to know more accurately your potential partnership or business associates or vendors.

Verification is a standard business practice that is followed across the world. This is a mechanism that makes us possible to screen and monitor the processes of a vendor and ensure that the vendors adhere to the guidelines of vendor risk management. This process includes collecting, auditing and verifying the information about the supplier. This check ensures that malpractices like corruption and bribery within the organization are eradicated.

The scope of vendor/customer/partner due diligence is very wide and includes the following qualitative and quantitative factors:

  • Verification of business, company or organization existence
  • Establishing Legal and statutory compliance of a vendor
  • Evaluation of the reputation of the business in the marketplace
  • Checks for misappropriation of funds, money laundering, siphoning of funds
  • Labour and environmental related issues checks
  • Qualitative management report
  • Credit history/defaults
  • Relationship with other vendors/clients

Insurance Verification

Doing pre and post insurance claims check has proven helpful and time-saving for the insurance companies and prevents fraudulent claims. The inaccurate and bloated claims can be damaging to the company’s performance and its reputation. Therefore, it becomes important to devote time to check the authenticity of a claim. Checking its authenticity secures the business by cutting down on the cost and reputational risk that comes along with false claims.

Tenant Verification

Some tenants could approach with a false identity, thus exposing the landlord to a security threat.. A basic check on the tenant’s identity credentials is a must like previous residential reference, criminal record check, identity authentication and credit check to ascertain credibility and to know that the tenant/s have good background and are not associated with any crime in the past. This verification should not be ignored when letting out the property.

Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping is a method used externally by market research companies or internally by companies themselves, to measure the quality of service, or compliance with regulation, or to gather specific information about products and services.

Mystery shoppers perform specific tasks such as purchasing a product, asking questions, registering complaints, or behaving in a certain way, and then provide detailed reports or feedback about their experiences.

These Audits help the brands to maintain the same standard of quality services and experience to the customers across the globe.

1) Customer Experience w.r.t:
  • Ambience
  • Facilities
  • Infrastructure
  • Billing process
  • Staff Assistance
  • Product quality
2) Staff Audit w.r.t :
  • Behaviour
  • Communication
  • Grooming
  • Selling skills
  • Knowledge about
    the products
3) Invoice Audit:
  • To know whether each customer is provided with sales invoice
  • To ensure correctness of invoice with transparency
  • To ensure invoice audit compliance
4) Price Check w.r.t:
  • MRP
  • Discounts
  • Schemes and offers

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